Sunday, August 8, 2010

Diva? Me?

Went to a home jewelry party and guess who was named the biggest diva? Oh yeah It was me! I won this lavender scarf! So perfect! I love it!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming..........

Little Trees.
Xavier hating the back float with Ms. Noelle!
Bella doing the back float with Ms. Noelle
The Superman glide! Xavier's favorite!
Bella jumping into the water! (this used to scare her!)

For the last 2 weeks the kids have been going to swimming lessons every day for a half hour each day! They LOVE it! It has been so much fun to watch them turn into little swimmers and all their fears about big deep waters float away! So glad that Grandpa has the hook ups every time we visit Idaho!! So proud of my little fish!