So I have been tagged and if you are reading this there is a good chance you are on my list! So the rule is I tell you six things about me that you don't know and then I tag six other people and they have to do the same! My life is an open book so I am trying to think of things people really don't know. So here goes.....
1. When I was a
Senior in high school, a long time ago. I was Aunt
Eller in our school musical of OKLAHOMA! We did four nights of it and it was so much fun! I can still remember a lot of my lines and I actually went to OKLAHOMA on
Broadway and I was reciting the whole thing in my head! I could have totally been her on
Broadway. Which leads me to number 2.
2. I have always dreamed of singing on Broadway. I mean on a stage, in a show, the whole nine. Cause if you just count Broadway the road in times square, well, I've sang my way down that road more times than I can count! I've always loved to be center stage. What can I say?
3. I love Jelly Bellies. I know all the flavors by sight. I am way more into fruity candy than chocolate so I naturally love Jelly bellies. How can you not love a candy that you can mix to make flavors like blueberry muffin or peanut butter and jelly? When I was in high school I worked at a video store that had a vending machine with jelly bellies in it and I used to challenge my coworkers to see if they could name the flavors faster than me. Lets just say I'm the champ!
4. Now this one goes back of course before I was wed. But I'm sure most of you don't know that in college I was in the
FLC with my roommate. We had to make up our own abbreviation that rivaled the popular
VLC. For those of you who don't know the
VLC is the virgin lip club. For those who had never kissed a guy. (
I was in Provo so this was not uncommon) and the
FLC was the
foreign lip club. Meaning if you wanted to be a member you had to kiss someone from another country. Not like my family is from Italy. Like the guy had to born there or raised there type of
foreign. I'm sure you all know how diverse Provo is, so my roommate and I were the only members and I of course was the queen as I out kissed her 4 to one! Spain, Mexico, Brazil, and England. This was when I was young and crazy so no
judging!! Also it was just kissing so don't go getting any ideas!
5. I have been an Aunt since I was seven. My niece Jessica was born a few months before I turned eight. I loved it so much! It was just like having a real life doll to dress up and play with! A year later came my nephew and now I have 18 nieces and nephews from age 22 to 4 months! I have been an aunt almost my whole life and I love it!
6. From the time I could sing I wanted to be a singer. A country singer. I used to sing into my mirrors all the time and my brother would make fun of me endlessly. But that is what I wanted to do with my life.......until I turned 16 and I then decided that singing was no longer my calling. I am happy to say that for 3 years 4 months and 20 days I have been living my dream from when I was sixteen years old. Yup I just wanted to be a Mom. I can honestly say that since that time I never had any aspirations to do anything else.(that could be why college was such a bust) I just want to be home with my kids and teach them and love them and do what Heavenly Father asked me to do when he sent them to me. I know motherhood is not easy for a lot of people and their dreams far exceed the four walls of their homes but for me I am doing what I always wanted to do and that is be a Mom.
So now I am tagging Mel, Lexie, Martha, Matt, Dan,
Curteis (Tish you are going to have to tell him about this because he's not been updating his blog!! But I'm dying to know 6 secrets about him!!)