Friday, January 18, 2008

Great Aunt

Back when I was "tagged" one of the things I mentioned was that I became an Aunt when I was 7. Well this week I found out that that very niece Jessica, is going to have a baby of her own! Thus making me a great Aunt come September! Aren't I too young to be a great Aunt? I am still in my twenties! (until March that is) I guess all things come early when you are the youngest of nine! The better part to me is that my sister Catherine is going to be a Grandma! I really think it is so hilarious! She does not however! I know that becoming a great Aunt doesn't really change my role any but I feel like having a sister that is a Grandma really changes the dynamics! I've spent my whole life waiting to be on the same playing field as my siblings and when I got married and had my own kids it was like we were all doing the same things in life but now a Grandma?? I am so far off from being one of those! Well I better be REALLY far off from being on of those! I think it's great that Jessica is going to be a Mom and a great one at that and I guess I am so ready to be a great, Great Aunt!

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