Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Poop in the tub

Why is it when I am trying to be a super great Mom things like this happen? The kids were taking an early bath and I had decided that after the bath we would get into Xavier's bed and I would read them as many books as they wanted before bed.
Then Xavier pooped in the tub! I had to get them out and let our 1920's bath drain before cleaning it and bathing them all over again!
As the water drained I started into my lecture to Xavier at how he knows better then to poop in the tub and the he can never ever ever do it again. So then I start the cleaning process and am still going on about how wrong pooping in the tub is. At this point I am so upset that I have to clean this and disinfect some 30 toys and re wash these two from head to toe. I had even conditioned Bellas hair, all down the drain. So I'm breathing hard through my nose as I start to pick up poop and Bella starts to clap and cheer "Go Mommy, good job, you do it" I couldn't help but laugh and smile because how cute is she? Then Xavier joins in and they are clapping for me as if I am running in a marathon (which I will never do by the way) and when I have it all finished Xavier's says " Good job Mommy, I'm so proud of you!"
After the second bath they ran to the play room to play as I'm sure they had had enough talking to from me. We ended up reading some books and saying prayers like usual. Bellas prayers are never understood so I got to say a silent one and say thanks for two great kids even if they poop in the tub!


Annie said...

That is a great story! Thanks for a good laugh.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's Deborah, Martha's little sister. Your kids are adorable. It's fun to see pictures of them. Hope you're doing well!

Brent and AmberLee's Family said...

I was laughing out loud as I pictured you doing your angry nose-breathing and then your kids starting to cheer. I guess it's nice to be appreciated.

liza said...

i laughed out loud too. that story is a classic. i remember when james did that when he was about a year and a half old and i said, "no, no. we don't go poopoo in the tub." and he kept saying over and over, "no no poo poo tub-a."

p.s. don't tell this to your primary class. he might get embarrassed.

tv said...

let's pretend THAT's why I don't have kids!