Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Head Trauma, ER and Triage

So yesterday we took our first trip to the ER. At about 8 AM Xavier decided to climb the TV in the playroom to get the remote control. The TV and it's stand came tumbling down and it hit him in the head. I was up our stairs in about 2 seconds and he was screaming bloody murder. A goose egg started appearing on his forehead and I knew it was a doozy! I started to play doctor. I was flashing a flashlight into his eyes to make sure they were dilating and I asked him some questions like what is your name, Xavier what's your full name, to this he always says Xavier Grant Cardona but today he said I can't remember. What?!?!?!? Then I asked him his favorite color and he said he didn't know. Xavier's favorite color is green. It's always green. He never says any other color it's green! I am beginning to worry a lot. Oh did I mention his eyes kept rolling back in his head and then he'd wake up real fast! Yeah I was worried! Then an hour later he threw up and I knew that wasn't normal. So the pediatrician sent us to the ER. That's where they started using all the scary words like Head trauma and triage. Xavier threw up again on the way to the ER and he was just so out of it! So he had to get a CAT scan and he did great! He cried but he was still. I thought it would be a good idea to pretend the CAT scan machine was a rocket headed to mars but he then started screaming I want to stay on earth! I guess it was a little too realistic. He got a bunch of stickers and things form radiology and now we just had to wait! Half hour later the results were in and there was no damage to the brain or head or skull. What a relief. He is fine now and is bossing Bella around like nothing ever happened! I guess he told his teacher all about it!


Jami said...

How scary!! I know that day is coming for me, I don't know if I would have handled it as well as you did!

Unknown said...

OUCH!!! that is so scary!! Boys I tell ya! I have had a couple trips to the ER for stitches!! Yikes! I am glad he is ok!!

Danielle said...

Wow! Tough kid...and tough mommy! I'm so glad he's okay. I live in constant fear of things like that. Everytime we go to the playground I have to consciously tell myself not to envision disaster potentials and just let Aubrey be a kid. (I'm such a protective mommy, it's terrible.) So glad everything is fine with Xavier!

Tom and Lou said...

that is a good looking bruise...Yikes, well yesterday abi pushed colten down the stairs because he was in her way. but that is the most traumatic scene that we have had. But I am really glad that he is okay, that is so scary that it happened.

Libby said...

That is so scary!! It's actually one of my biggest fears because Lauren does everything head first--literally. I can't tell you how many times she has landed on her head. We've already gotten stitches. I'm glad Xavier is ok.

Annie said...

Wow!! I am so glad he is ok and hopefully you are doing ok. The ER is no fun. That bruise is going to only look worse in a few days take pix and post.
Hey I was bummed that I never heard from you when you were in town. Kristen told me that you stopped by in utah.

Maeg said...

I'm so glad he's fine!!! I think I would be super freaked out in that situation but knowing you everything was under control and manageable amist chaos! I love you guys!

RiLee said...

ok, so you have so many people look at your you want to invite any of your friends to look at mine so I can have at least one comment?

RiLee said...

oh yes, I want to learn how to put the slide show on...maybe you could show me on Thursday...what do you think?

Mary said...

so scary....what a boy. Mine smacked his head 3 times today...each enough to bruise,but luckily not enough for the ER. "Don't climb the TV"...something a mom should never have to say, but we do...there's a long list of such craziness! Glad he's survived...the symptoms sounded just like a concussion- been there, done that, not fun...esp. for vomiting kids!