Monday, September 15, 2008


I just wanted to update everyone on what's going on with us. All things digital hate me right now so every camera I come close to won't work so sorry that there have been no pictures and no posts! Xavier started his second year of Pre school this month and loves it! He is in the same class with the same teacher so it was easy for him to get back into things! Bella has started potty training. We've been down this road before but this is the real deal! She still pees on the floor and has no aversion to peeing or pooping in her pants but she has also been going on the potty as well! Luckily we have no carpet so cleaning up isn't as bad! Xavier has stopped wearing a pull up at night and is now in big boy underwear 24/7. It is very nice not to have to buy diapers and wipes. I can't believe I only buy pull ups now! Crazy! We have a lot of fun things coming up so look forward to funner posts with pictures! (digital gods willing)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

O the days of potty training! Benny is starting to do it also! he did go with out pants all day today! I just let him run around in a t-shirt and then he just go to the bathroom climbs up on the potty and gos!! Yipee! Good Luck!thanks for the comments over on my blog! it is nice to know what everyone is up to!!
So what are you doing in New Jersey? Do you like it?