Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Camping at the Traylor park

Sarah and Bella cuddle
Rob , Mason and Reven
Happy Campers
Bella and Xavier sleeping soundly
The set up

So we had planned to go camping last weekend but everyone bailed on me. So taking the advice from our dear prophet I decided to enjoy the journey! So I asked my friends the Traylor's if we could camp out in their back yard and use their built in fire pit to roast marshmallows. I mean what's camping with out s'mores?! So we did it and it was so much fun! The Hogges came and roasted marshmallows with us and we did sleep out in the tent all night. The kids were thrilled to sleep in a tent and I knew that's all it would take for them to have fun so mission accomplished! Thanks Traylor's for letting us use your indoor plumbing and your back yard on our "camp out"!!


Jami said...

What a fun idea!! that is my kind of camping.

Lexie said...

You are SO ghetto!!! I am just glad I was invited!

Unknown said...

Looks like so much fun!! he shoot me an email to mompierce8 AT
I made my blog private and wanted to send you an invite!

Unknown said...

that was HEY shoot me an email sorry hehe is shoot with 2 or 1 o?? who knows it all most 1am I need sleep!