Monday, October 6, 2008

General Conference

Chocolate apostles
Who's who?
Xavier and Bella playing conference bingo.
A not so reverent moment.
Xavier loved the chocolate and the game!
So we have been gearing up for general conference all week long! It started with an FHE lesson on prophets and the first presidency. We made our who's who game and our chocolate apostles. This was to be the first time the kids really watched conference so I was trying to prepare as best I could. They watched each afternoon session and did pretty well for first timers. They loved the chocolate and mathching the picture with each speaker. Bingo was a bit of a bust mostly because they are still too little but it was fun anyway! I am happy because they can name the first presidency and they know several other names but not the faces. I never realized how much these men look alike until I started trying to find ways for the kids to differentiate them! Not easy! Conference for me was amazing! I love President Monson and all the talks he gave! I loved hearing Elder Oaks speak about sacrament meeting and I loved Sister Allred as always! It was a great weekend and I'm so glad that I got to spend it with my kids and help them understand the importance of our beloved prophet! Today as we were praying over breakfast Xavier said "I'm pretending to be the prophet." If that is all he got out of our week of preparation and conference itself, I'm good! Who better to pretend to be then President Monson!


Lane family said...

You are SO creative! I LOVE the chocolate... what a great idea. Your kids look pretty happy about it too!

RiLee said...

Ohhh it was fun, wasn't it...hey did you take your music off????

Mary said...

oohhhh I love it! You are sooo impressive and I'm totally going to copy you next time! I thought I was giving it a good try by being up at the church for all the sessions and we watch in the nursery, but you totally raised the bar!

Sarah said...

What a good mommy, can you come to my house and teach my kids some stuff about prophets and apostles, because I was asking Caleb who the prophet was and he wasn't sure. Not good. We have a lot to work on down here!

Unknown said...

You are so good! now I feel guilty!! hey make sure you leave a comment on my bow blog to enter the giveaway!! bowsbychristine... not the family one!

Maeg said...

This is totally what my conference weekend was missing!!! Chocolate!!!!

Marci said...

My kids LOVED the chocolate Apostles! That was a great idea! thanks for sharing with them. I LOVE YA! I'm excited to read with you btw!

Danielle said...

So creative! Love the chocolate apostles idea and the cute apostle bouquet? How'd you make them? I'd love to know so I can start getting ready for next April. Maybe you can show me at the next scrapbooking?

Emily C. said...

That chocolate idea is awesome. Where do you come up with these ideas?