Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Look at my baby. My sweet little Xavier. My every other word is damn Xavier! What the heck?!?! So it all started about a week ago. We were playing ants in my pants and when Xavier's ant didn't go into the pants he said D (we're going to use the D instead of the real word) Before I reacted I asked him where he heard that and he said "Daddy" yeah Pedro got an ear full! Thanks a lot by the way! Anyway I then began to tell him that we don't say that word, that it's not nice, I don't like it, Heavenly Father doesn't like it etc.. etc.. I thought we had it covered, until it kept happening. Then I thought words are not enough. So I go to soap. He got soap in his mouth 3 times before he started saying "Mommy can you put soap in my mouth so I won't say D anymore." What? Now I'm thinking he likes soap or he really just loves the word D! He now has to go to time out when the infamous word escapes his lips which is at least twice daily! Then he says tonight right after bed time prayers none the less, "Mommy I need some soap my puppy just said D" He is obsessed with this word! What should I do! He won't stop saying it!! The worse part, if there is a worse part is that he's using the word in context! I just know he's going to go to church on Sunday and say it to Sister Avery or worse teach it to all the kids in his class. Sorry by the way if that's the case! Yikes! I don't know what else to do to get him from being my little potty mouth! Somebody help me!


Tisha said...

ohmygosh! I have no idea! I'm sure he'll get bored with it and drop it, and then it will be hilarious! boys!

Mary said...

This is so funny esp. after reading libby's blog adn the story where Lauren keeps talking about Xavier, but it sounds like "the savior" and really throwing Libby off on the conversation!
I think you need a silly sounding replacement word that you use A LOT at your house til it is changed in his mind.
Gee I'm glad my kids aren't in his class! (smirk) yeah, Sis avery wouldn't really go for that too well! But I'd love to be in the room when it happens!!!!!! good luck!

Marci said...

Some kids need punishment for saying bad words and that works...others need you not to make a big deal about it so they forget to use it. So if he says it you say oops...and move on...if he doesn't get attention for it it won't be as "Cool" But then again, this is kid is related to you! SO who knows. =-)

Bean said...

LOL! I can't stop laughing. I'm horrible because if it was Oliver saying it, I'd probably be laughing at him secretly too. Try using "Dangit Dan" a lot and see if he picks up on it. My kids don't use technical swears, but the other day Oliver said "holy freaking crap". And I do know where he got that....from me. Whoops.

RiLee said...

I could teach him another word....hmmm

Lane family said...

I'm kind of a fan of the D word myself! He's still little enough that's it's way more funny than awful! I'd probably just roll with it... he'll be moving on to bigger and better things before you know it.