Monday, July 13, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Xavier!!

Me and the birthday boy!
His dinner of choice, Capt'n crunch!
He's way excited here!
His mini cake.
Xavier is 5. It seems as though I'm not old enough to have a five year old. Yet here I am celebrating 5 years with him. Even though he has been going to pre school for the past 2 years there is something different about sending him this year to Kindergarten! It seems like he is so big and so old and needs me less and less! Xavier is an exceptional kid. He is so smart that it kind of freaks me out! He has an unbelievable memory that also freaks me and his teacher out! If he hears or see something 2 or 3 times it sticks! He is always saying the funniest things and saying the sweetest prayers. There is never a dull moment with him! He is a great big brother to Bella. Even though they wrestle and fight he is ever protective of her around other people and sometimes even me if she's getting in trouble! The last five years has flown by and I know the next will be a bigger whirl wind! I just fell so lucky and so blessed to have Xavier and his spirit in our home and to learn and grown from! I love you Xavier!!


Tisha said...

happy birthday xavier! what a big boy!!!

Marci said...

Happy Birthday X! Can't wait to see if you've grown since Sunday!