Monday, July 6, 2009


Yesterday at church was fast and testimony meeting, as most of you know. In our ward a lot of kids got up to bare theirs. Xavier of course was paying attention even though he is playing and you think there is no way he's paying attention! This is a gift I swear! Anyway he decided that it was his turn to talk. Bella was asleep on my lap so I didn't really want him to go up but you can't just say no! So I asked him what he was going to say and he gave me this whole schpeel about Jesus and families being together forever and all kinds of stuff. So I thought OK he's got it. So I told him if he wanted to go up then he needed to go sit on the stand and wait his turn. I really didn't think he would go alone but up he got and sat on the stand and waited his turn! When it was his turn he got up there and a woman from our ward was trying to help him but she is Spanish with a thick accent and he couldn't understand her. So with Bella asleep in my arms I went up and helped him with his testimony. I am glad that he wanted to do it. I am glad that he isn't afraid to stand in front of all those people. I'm glad he knows enough about the gospel that he can share it. I'm glad that the spirit can touch everyone. I'm proud of my little boy and the testimony that he is building.


Unknown said...

He is an amazing kid and you are a fantastic mommy!!

The Rylanders said...

Xavier was so cute on Sunday! And you know I just LOVE Bella, you have the best kids!

Marci said...

That was a beautiful testimony. I loved hearing it!